
dairy cows grazing
dairy cows grazing

Exciting project in Germany

LIC Europe is working with New Zealand companies, Gallagher and Waikato Milking Systems, on a unique project started by Irish farmers, Paul and Stephen Costello, in Germany. The Castello’s have invested in a 1600ha unit just south of Brandenburg. The farm is unique to the area, aiming to produce pasture-based milk for local consumers.

Cows grazing on a dairy farm

Step towards better animal predictions

LIC has invested $70 million over the last three decades to improve the accuracy of its animal evaluation system with improved data providing better predictions on breeding worth for our farmers and industry.

LIC KiwiCross dairy cows

What crossbreeding contributes to your herd

The primary goal of dairy cattle breeding is to increase the efficiency of milk solids production. In New Zealand crossbreeding is considered an effective way to achieve this goal. The numbers of crossbred cows are rapidly increasing in the national herd and have quickly earned the reputation as ‘easier care cows’.

Happy healthy dairy calves bred from LIC semen straws

Inbreeding – is it really that bad?

Inbreeding can easily occur on farm either as a result of parentage identification errors or by deliberately mating closely related animals. It should be avoided by the prudent dairy farmer.

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